Hunger is here — right where we live

Children and adults from all walks of life go hungry, in every community including yours.

Your neighbor, your child’s classmate, or even your coworker may struggle to get enough to eat — or to eat healthy. And you may have no idea.

Food security changes lives


Not having access to healthy food affects people’s physical, developmental, and mental health. Food is integral to surviving—and thriving.

Peace of mind

Many households that experience food insecurity do not qualify for federal nutrition programs. A local food bank or the help offered through other food programs is often the extra assistance someone needs.


When children have enough to eat, they will be healthier and better equipped for academic and social success—strengthening the present and future of our community.





In fiscal year 2023, we distributed 21 million pounds of food, equal to more than 17 million meals.



each month

Together in 2023 we provided food, resources, and hope to more than 220,000 monthly visits from children, seniors, and families.


for hunger relief

Together, we raise awareness about hunger, advocate for policies and programs that support food security in our community, and speak out against policies that make it harder for our hungry neighbors to access the food they need.

Making an Impact

Nourishing Our Neighbors

Helping hundreds of thousands of our neighbors through nearly 300 partners and programs, and direct food distributions.

Everyone’s struggles look different … I’m one of many young people struggling to make ends meet.”

Dorothy, Ossining Resident

Hunger is here — right where we live

Everyone’s struggle looks different

A 28-year-old single mother, Dorothy attends a Mobile Food Pantry distribution to receive meals for herself and her 6-year-old son. While working and pursuing her nursing degree, Dorothy struggles to do it all — she, like many, does not qualify for federal nutrition assistance programs, and has significant medical bills from two years of frequent hospital visits after her son was born prematurely. Still, she has hope, calling the Mobile Food Pantry a blessing that has helped keep her and her family afloat.
Together we feed for a better tomorrow.
Turning every donation into fresh food for our community

Together we nourish our neighbors in the fight against hunger

Make a donation now to help us provide food to those who need it most

Although many in Westchester are wealthy, wages remain low and stagnant for hardworking families, and the cost of living continues to rise. With fixed expenses like rent and childcare, groceries are often the first expense to be cut. Join the fight against hunger by becoming a monthly donor or by giving a one-time donation.

Together we feed for a better tomorrow

Give in Honor

Recognize a special person in your life by contributing a gift in their honor.

Help from Home

Volunteer from anywhere you are comfortable — your time makes a tangible difference.

Matching Gifts

See if your employer offers a matching gift program, essentially doubling your donation.

Shop to Support

Shop with companies and organizations that support hunger relief in Westchester.

Matching Gifts

Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by
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