United Way 211 Westchester

The United Way 211 helpline will get you food, employment, financial, and mental-health assistance in Westchester County, NY.

What Is United Way 211?

United Way’s 211 helpline connects Westchester neighbors with local services and crisis support, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Together we feed for a better tomorrow

Your support helps stock the shelves of our neighbors struggling with hunger.
Help from Home
Volunteer from anywhere you are comfortable — your time makes a tangible difference.
Start a Fundraiser
Start your own fundraiser to share with family, friends, and colleagues — or support one today.
Volunteer your time from home, at an event, or through other mission-driven opportunities.

Stay connected

Learn how you can take action in the fight against hunger. Join our mailing list. You’ll receive stories about the people your support helps, the people who help, and other ways you can make an impact and use your voice.